Vision, Value, And an End to Violence

(Originally posted February 19, 2020)

The sculptor Constantin Brancusi was born on this day in 1876. I love one of his quotes- “What is real is not the exterior but the idea, the essence of things.”

So what is our essence? Looking out from the sacred sawdust bowl, my vision tells me this: we are all equal expressions of divine love. I’m certainly not the first or only one to see this way; perhaps you too see this as our essence.

So what if we started to live our vision? What if we aligned our governments, businesses, and spiritual communities to this idea? (Because currently they are not.) If we could embrace this vision of the equal and sacred value of everyone, then violence would practically cease. And I don’t mean just physical violence. I mean the violence that says I am not enough. The violence that says I am better than you. The violence that hasn’t made food, clean drinking water, and health care a reality for everyone in the world. Because those things are totally possible. And a lack of clean water is as violent as the billion guns, bombs, and missiles we currently have to kill other equal expressions of divine love.

I know. It sounds too easy. But at the same time, it sounds too hard. Something else I know- we’ve never really tried it. Is it just a dreamy vision by a wood sculptor? Perhaps. But I believe there’s a pretty famous carpenter I read about who wouldn’t disagree with me.

To all of you equal expressions of divine love who support me, I wish you Peace and Joy,